
worried awakenings

4:55am Friday, November 2nd

wee hours in the morning. waking up at 4.55 am, i was having a nightmare. my subconscious worried about how we will make it home on Sunday. the news reports barely watched lest we go insane with worry, they have seeped in anyway...i see long lines of traffic, frustrated angry people, i envision empty supermarkets and streets. there are some areas like hoboken and jersey city that are devastated and without power, with strict curfews to curb looting. 

some of it is heresy, and some of it (this is where my street smart red alert kicks in) i know is true. there is an inherent evil in some to take advantage of others in moments of need. It is desperation of the worst kind. 

being so far, makes me pine for my city. one more day until we begin our journey north on the roadways home. 

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